Date Sold: 23/09/2015
Amount: £25,000.00

A tunic worn by Christopher Reeve as Superman in Richard Donner’s Superman. This instantly recognizable costume was made for the scene where Lex Luther (Gene Hackman) put a Kryptonite necklace over Superman and dropped the hero into his pool.
The costume consists of a custom made, long-sleeve shirt that has been stitched above a pair of red trunks. Stitched to the chest of the tunic is Superman’s classic emblem which features a red diamondframed ‘S’ over a yellow background. The tunic features belt loops around the waist and has a long zipper along the back. Sewn to each shoulder are two black snap buttons to attach the hero’s cape. The classic costume includes a Bermans & Nathans wardrobe label attached at the neck that reads “Christopher Reeve 12402 wet SUPERMAN.” The term ‘wet’ used on the tag indicates that this particular version of the costume was created for underwater shots. As the costume was custom-fitted for Christopher Reeve and does not feature any sizing information. Included with this item is a certificate of authenticity from Warner Brothers. This costume shows very little wear due to production use and age and remains in spectacular condition.

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