Date Sold: 16/04/2014
Amount: £650.00

A lifecast of Christopher Reeve from Richard Donner’s Superman. This lifecast was created in plaster by the esteemed make-up effects artist Stuart Freeborn to assist in creating a Superman hairpiece for the actor. This was used to create ‘bald caps’ that would go over Reeve’s hair so that the famous Superman hairstyle wig could be carefully fitted before each shot.
Portions of the top and back of the lifecast are ground away from use. A textured grey layer of material with thin netting is applied to these regions. The front of the cast has “Chrys Reeve” (SIC) written in ballpoint pen and “Lace” written to the left and right just behind the ears. Lightly used, the lifecast remains in very good condition. Dimensions: 19 cm x 23 cm x 29 cm (7½” x 9” x 11½”)